
Controller for working with the 101 - Employer Report of Injury Collection

GET api/employer/{docid}

Get the 101 Document Record by documentID.

POST api/employer

Add 101/Employer Report document record

PATCH api/employer/recordId/{recordId}

Update 101/Employer Report document record by record Id

DELETE api/employer/{docid}

Delete the 101/Employer Report document record

GET api/employer/{docId}/attachment

Get the attachment for the 101/Employer Report document

PUT api/employer/{docId}/attachment

Replaces the 101/Employer Report document with a new file

DELETE api/employer/{docId}/attachment

Delete the attachment from a 101/Employer Report document record.

PUT api/employer/{docId}/move/{claimNumber}

Move 101 Doc record and attachment to Claims Collection Claim then deletes from 101/Employer Report Collection


Controller for working with the Community Profile collection.

GET api/community/{userID}

Get the community profile record by user ID.

POST api/community

Create a community profile record.

PATCH api/community/recordId/{recordId}

Update community profile record by RecordId.

DELETE api/community/{userID}

Delete the community profile record and all documents.

GET api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}

Get community profile document record for given user ID and document number.

POST api/community/{userID}/docs

Add community profile document record to parent user ID.

PATCH api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}

Update community profile document record.

DELETE api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}

Delete a community profile document record.

GET api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}/attachment

Get the attachment for the community profile document.

PUT api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}/attachment

Replaces the community profile document with a new file

DELETE api/community/{userID}/docs/{docNumber}/attachment

Delete the attachment from a community profile document record.


Controller for working with the Salesforce documents collection.

GET api/sfdocs/{docID}

Get a Salesforce document record for a given document number.

POST api/sfdocs

Add a Salesforce document record.

PATCH api/sfdocs/{docID}

Update a Salesforce document record.

DELETE api/sfdocs/{docID}

Delete a Salesforce document record.

GET api/sfdocs/{docID}/attachment

Get the attachment for a Salesforce document.

PUT api/sfdocs/{docID}/attachment

Replaces a Salesforce document with a new file.

DELETE api/sfdocs/{docID}/attachment

Delete the attachment from a Salesforce document record.

POST api/sfdocs/pdfmerge

Submit a PDF Merge job to be performed.

POST api/sfdocs/exporttozip

Submit an Export to Zip job to be performed.


Controller for working with CarrierNotification collection

GET api/carrier/{carrierid}

Get Carrier record by carrier id

POST api/carrier

Create a parent carrier record.

PATCH api/carrier/recordId/{recordId}

Update parent carrier record by RecordId.

DELETE api/carrier/{carrierid}

Delete the Carrier record and all carrier documents

POST api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs

Add a Carrier document record to parent carrier id

GET api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs/{documentId}

Get carrier document record for given carrier id and document id.

PATCH api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs/{documentId}

Update Carrier document record

DELETE api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs/{documentId}

Delete a carrier document record

GET api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs/{documentId}/attachment

Get the attachment for the carrier document

DELETE api/carrier/{carrierId}/docs/{documentId}/attachment

Delete the attachment from a carrier document record


Endpoint for retrieving generated files

GET api/generatedfiles/{fileGuid}/attachment

Get the attachment stream of the generated file.

GET api/job/instance/{jobInstanceID}

Get a Job Instance by ID (this will contain the JobDefinitionID).